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Surgical Procedures Study Guide
what makes these notes so effective?
Unless you are working with the instruments and holding them and seeing them every day it is really hard to recall instrument names and this on the go study notes makes it easier for you to recall instruments, procedures for the exams, suffixes and other notes that show up on exams and clinicals.
Who is this for?
Surgery or sterile processing tech, OR nurse, medical student surgical rotation. Great reference for any surgical department.
How can these notes help me?
Study after study has shown that spaced repetition is the most effective form of learning, and nothing beats flashcards when it comes to making repetitive learning fun and fast.
Our flashcards enable you to study small, digestible bits of information that are easy to learn. With our flashcards, you'll be able to study anywhere, whenever you have a few free minutes of time.
These study guides are condensed version of the notes that are summarized to make the most out of your learning time
Refresh your knowledge of the essentials of aseptic technique, surgical procedures, anatomy, basic set-up, instruments, and sutures.
What if I don't see my downloads?
Upon checkout you should recieve an instant download link. And also receive your private access link via email, then download & save your notes.
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*We do not ship hard copies, however you are welcome to print our notes.*
How to order?
✓ Step 1 - Add Subjects to your cart.
(We recommend our BUNDLE DEAL!) for best value
✓ Step 2 - Proceed to checkout.
✓ Step 3 - Receive your private access link immediately, then download & save your notes.
(If you don't receive this email, let us know at
We do not ship hard copies, however you are welcome to print our notes on high quality paper or cardstock.